Rent Car

Rent Car Otranto
Car Rentail in Otranto Salento
Car rental in Puglia

Some points of the rental conditions:

- Car rental with unlimited mileage, fully comprehensive theft/fire insurance with €700.00 excess.

- To rent you must be at least 23 years old and have had a valid driving license for at least 2 years. (currently valid)

- The cars are delivered to our headquarters in Via San Giovanni 5, Otranto and must be returned to the same.

- The cars are delivered with a full tank of fuel and must be returned with a full tank.

- A credit card is required and must be registered in the name of the person signing the rental contract.

Download the complete rental conditions from the link at the bottom of the page.

2024 rates cost per day:
May / June € 45,00
July € 60,00
August € 65,00
September / October € 45,00

Request information:

To get the right quote, fill out the form correctly.

Download the rental conditions:

PDF – 156,6 KB 214 download

Autoservizi S.r.l. - Via San Giovanni, 5 - 73028 Otranto - Lecce - Italiy [ P.IVA 03668150752] - Tel. 0836 802195 - Fax 0836 806319 - e-mail: - Pec: